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Joint Chat Rheum
Resuming in 2025!
How does it work?
Each session is one hour long and will involve team building exercises, discussing relevant topics, asking questions, participating in games & activities, and much more!
Before each session, an itinerary will be released to those who are registered. The chat rheum will be a comfortable space where participants will be able to share their experiences, discuss topics that are most relevant to them, and hear from others with similar conditions.
Help Spread the Word!
A key aim of the Take a Pain Check Foundation is to connect individuals with rheumatic conditions to resources and support networks. Having promotional posters, flyers, and business cards in healthcare settings can help guide young individuals with rheumatic conditions toward our community. We kindly ask those who can spread the word and raise awareness about our JCR Program to share our posters by accessing our shared google drive or by signing up for our hospital promotional material initiative. We hope that we can count on your support!
Previously partnered with the University of Pennsylvania
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